
Mission Statement

Our mission is to create an environment that will inspire passionate readers, inquisitive learners, and critical thinkers.

Library Policies

Kindergarten and First graders will be allowed to check out 1 book at a time. Second and third graders may check out 2 books, and grades 4 and 5 may check out 3 books.*

* Exceptions are made for class assignments and avid readers.

We encourage students to check out "just right" books; however, students are allowed free choice when checking out.

  • Checkout begins the first week of school, with the exception of Kindergarten. 
  • Last check out is three weeks before the end of school.
  • Books are due weekly.
  • Books may be renewed.
  • Books lost or damaged must be paid for so they can be replaced.
  • If books are not returned by the last day of school, the student's report card will be held in the office until his/her account is clear.

Library Information

Our collection consists of over 12,000 fiction and non-fiction books, as well as over 400 digital books. 

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